Joanne Hickman
My name is Joanne Hickman and I am 49 years of age. I am married with two adult children and have a career in nursing working primarily in the disciplines of cardiac care and now immunisation as Nurse Unit Manger for Monash Immunisation, which is a hospital based immunisation service for high risk patients. In 2017 I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Being on the other side and receiving care made me realise that the lived experience of being a patient is an essential part of delivering a health service. In 2019 after a year of navigating my new “normal” I became involved with Peter Mac as a consumer representative. I sit on various committees, one of which is the Community Advisory Committee and also participate in other projects as they present. I also have recently commenced a part time role with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute as Consumer Engagement Manager for the Centre of Health Analytics whist job sharing my NUM role.
As digital health is upon us, I look forward to the Great Debate around the challenges and benefits of its presence.